Today was just an ordinary day for Hedge Wizard Cosmo. Like most days, the enchanted clock chimed for seven bells and Cosmo tried his best to stop the chiming from his bed with little success. The blue rat that had been by Cosmo’s side since for as long as he could remember, began to nibble at his toes. “STOP THAT!” shouted Cosmo to the blue rat, but the rat continued to nibble. Eventually Cosmo leaped from his bed, causing the blue rat to go flying across the room and land in a heap in the corner. The enchanted clock was finally switched off and Cosmo drew the curtains open to look across the vast sprawl of fields that surrounded his house. “What the ….” Cosmo whispered to himself. All of the fields which were full of crops just only yesterday were completely bare, not a grain in sight!
Hedge Wizard Cosmo through on his Green Coveralls as fast as he could and ran into the fields to go and investigate. The blue rat had finally awoken from his daze and followed closely behind Cosmo. “This is bad, this is really, really bad” Cosmo said to the blue rat. The reason why it was so particularly bad, was due to the fact the Cosmo only had one job, that one job was to use his powerful magic and wisdom to keep the crops safe for the village. In return for Cosmos efforts to ensure a healthy harvest each year, his was given anything he could ask for by the local villagers. Cosmo looked behind him and could see the villagers beginning to gather around his house. “They don’t look happy” squeaked the blue rat. Cosmo breathed a deep sigh as he could also see, the villagers did indeed not look happy at all.
Cosmo slowly walked back to his house, dragging his feet across the bare dirt, frantically thinking of how he could solve this problem. A problem that he was in charge of preventing in the first place. Before Cosmo even made it back to his house, he heard the voice of an elder, “You had one job Cosmo. One job!”. The rest of the villagers began to shout in fury. “What will we eat”, “How did you let this happen” “I always knew you were only a part time wizard” were just some of the things Cosmo could hear. Cosmo jumped onto a hay bail and stood tall and proud. “Part time wizard, how dare you” shouted Cosmo. “I just need a little time to work out what has happened, it will all be alright, trust me, I am a Wizard” Cosmo said to the villagers with a slight tremble in his voice. The villagers began to go back to daily jobs and Cosmo sat down on the hay bail with his blue rat, “how are we going to solve this one” said Cosmo as he cast his eyes across the baron fields. “Whats that!” shouted Cosmo. He jumped up and began to run towards a green glow that he could see in the distance. As the blue rat and Cosmo got closer to the glow, they could start to smell something really sweet. Cosmo finally got to the centre of the field where the green glow was coming from, surrounded by the sweetest smell he had ever smelled. “A Jelly Donut?” Cosmo whispered to himself. He was so puzzled, yet so intrigued. How did a jelly donut get here Cosmo thought to him self and why do I want to eat it so bad. The blue rat franticly squeaked pleading with Cosmo to not eat the jelly donut. “But it smells so good” Cosmo explained to the blue rat, but the rat still frantically squeaked. Hedge Wizard Cosmo bent down and picked up this strange, sweet smelling jelly donut and before the rat could do anything else, Cosmo took a bite. The blue rat jumped onto Cosmo’s boot and within a split second the pair of them were transported to another realm ………………
To be continued
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