Enchanter Tengukensei, with a swift motion, retrieved his magical fan from the sash around his waist and tossed it into the sky. As it soared, the fan expanded in size, and Tengukensei, followed by his adorable ember frog companion, Anpan, leaped into the air. Together, they ascended, floating amidst the clouds, and swiftly vanished beyond the mountains and the distant horizon. True to his Tengu nature, Tengukensei navigated the winds with ease, as effortlessly as a ship sails the seas.
Just a week prior, Tengukensei had tasked Nuke of the Kaiju Clan with a vital mission: to seek out Woolah and gather all the information possible about the mountain giant and the elusive Sunfire Pearl. Now, speeding through the sky, Tengukensei and Anpan made their way toward their destination. Despite the chilly breeze at such high altitudes, which Anpan was not particularly fond of, the little ember frog found joy in snapping up the occasional bug that crossed their path.
As noon approached, the duo gracefully descended through a mountain pass. The fan slowed their descent, eventually coming to a gentle stop atop a large boulder. With a simple snap of his fingers, Tengukensei caused the fan to shrink back to its original size and secured it once again in his sash. Suddenly, two figures emerged from behind some nearby rocks. Recognizing their friends, Anpan couldn't help but let out a joyful croak, to which Nuke and Woolah responded with warm smiles, happy to reunite with their companions.
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On a cool evening Anpan floated on a lily pad, rocking gently with the waves of the lake of lanterns. He had ventured out chasing his favorite thing, fireflies. They were delicious and easy game. Out on the lake his fiery heart lit the little ember frog up like a shining lantern, fireflies attracted to the light. As he bobbed back and forth his mind drifted back.
As a froglet life was simple navigating the lava lakes and lava falls. They were fond memories until the fire trolls came. It was another lazy day of swimming with his brothers and sisters still amazed at how enjoyable leaping was since the transition from tadpole.
From deep below, the surface erupted claws and bulbous eyes broke the stillness. Anpans clan was scooped up and devoured before him. The sound of screams, licking lips and the crunch of bones. In the calamity he somehow managed to slip through claws and navigate away from the trolls snapping teeth. For ember frogs were the greatest delicacy to a fire troll and were forever hunted for their sumptuous fiery hearts.
His anger built at the massacre happening all around and the forever placid Anpan exploded in a rocketing fireball, the true power of an ember frog released. He burst into the sky, through the clouds a comet in the heavens. The little red frog travelled far, his anger propelling him ever further. The chill of snow clouds and a cool atmosphere at such a height calmed the flames and he began to fall. Anpan streaked down, a flash of fiery red tracing past the summit of Mt Kirama. He plummeted into the Steaming waters of the onsen, an almighty splash of steam and water indicating his arrival.
Anpan cautiously raised his eyes above the waters surface, his emotions calmed by the soothing waters. A gentle voice called, little ember frog don’t be afraid, I feel your pain how can I help you? Enchanter Tengukensei of Mt Kirama asked. For some reason Anpan felt safe.
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