Almanac plant Almanac plants are found through out the Emerald Forest but mostly survive on the west side of the Chunky River because there is more sunlight. The town of Almanac is named after these beautiful flowers. These plants tell you what month it is by the color of their blossoms and by their scent. January-pink-peppermint February-red-short bread cookies March-orange-baking bread April-yellow-doughnuts May-green-cut grass June-blue-pine trees July-violet-lavender August-indigo-cedar September-brown-dark chocolate October-black-coffee November-silver-applesauce December-white-vanilla The almanac plant has secret medicinal properties only know to Alchemist Zane of the Plains (#9311).
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Black Oak Trees These rare trees grow on the westside of the Emerald Forest. Black mold grows over the tan bark until the trunk and branches are covered. Black oak trees have gnarly roots that like to grow across the forest floor. Many animals like to make their burrows under these roots. The Crystal Moss plants can be found around the roots of the Black Oak Tree.
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