Whisper Butterflies These butterflies are not great in number but can be found through out the Emerald Forest. They are used by the Emerald Forest tree fairies and warrior Kathleen to send messages. These butterflies land on your ear and whisper their messages to only the person who is suppose to hear it. They are so loyal and brave that they are willing to die in order to keep a secret. In their caterpillar stage they are called Dragonhead caterpillars.
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Fascination plant The Fascination plant is an air plant that grows on the sides of pine trees on the west side of the Emerald Forest. It leaves are brown on the edges and green where it attaches to the the tree. These plants have a special chemical inside that makes them follow heat sources. The middle of each plant has a face that resembles a frog's face. If someone or an animal is passing by the fascination plant its leaves will turn towards the heat source as if it is listening to a conversation.
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