Pony #389 is so great because of her jeans. The jeans she used to wear, before becoming a real pony, were infused with magic, kind of like the hat that made Frosty the Snowman come to life.
See, Billy Jean was her name as the toy pony that Wizard #4365 had as a child. His name "of the Mount" has a double meaning here. Jabir loved riding his toy pony all the time playing pretend that he was leading warriors into battle! Or helping out the family farm. One of his relatives gifted him a pair of jeans for a birthday. They told him they had magic powers, but didn't explain further.
Jabir, one day while playing with Billie Jean, decided that since her name had 'Jean' in it, it would be fitting for her to wear the jeans! While she wore them, Jabir swore he didn't need his imagination quite as much while playing pretend. Barely any, actually, as Billie Jean seemed to be able to move on her own!
As Jabir grew up & grew away from his favortie childhood toy friend, she became little more than a memory. That is, until the Pony Summoning ceremony where select wizards get to summon a real pony to be their great companion. Turns out those memories & the bond Jabir had with Billie Jean was so powerful, she was the pony he summoned, no longer just a toy! Those magic jeans may have had something to do with it...
Now Wizard #4365 & Pony #389 are together at last, forever & will do great things in the coming years!
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