In a dark magical tower there lived a mystic, blue Pyromancer named Eizo of the Field. Not a grand idyllic, simple tower, filled with spells and a worrying smell, nor yet a sticky, hairy, minuscule tower with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Swamp Bullfrogs-magic tower, and that means warmth and spells.
One day, after a troubling visit from the Elf Raito and Alchemist Aleister of the Mount , Pyromancer Eizo of the Field left his cold, moisty tower and set out in search of three enchanted maps. A quest undertaken in the company of his favorite frog.
During his travels, Eizo rescued a Hobgoblin's Flame, an heirloom belonging to his good old friend the Swamp Bullfrog.
"A search for three enchanted maps was always going to be compelling. The addition of giants, gnomes and goblins just makes it even more awesome."
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