Wizened Sorcerer Celahnexius Ebeneezer Wagabond the Eighteenth - Sorcerer Celah to his friends - spent 32 tireless years researching novel potions and elixirs for the Angelwood Elixer Corporation, before one day unceremoniously receiving a polite yet firm letter requesting his immediate resignation. He was a renowned and respected dabbler in the esoteric, having developed over 50 novel compounds which achieved everything from curing indigestion, to turning one's skin a pleasant shade of green, to growing the size of various appendages for brief amounts of time.
By all outside accounts he was a model employee - always cheerful and well-loved by fellow workers, arriving promptly in the morning and working late into the night; and never one to say no to a request from corporate. But it wasn't his work ethic that ended his illustrious career - it was his proclivity for testing his potions on himself. Specifically, those of the more mind-expanding variety.
After stumbling upon a substance that allowed him to seemingly see through the quantum veil that separates worlds - to visit alternate realms in one's mind, soaring through the psychosphere like a condor, he became obsessed. His odd hobby went unnoticed for some years, until he started publishing his findings in "Erubus' Journal of Odd and Unusual Encantations", the oldest and most prestigious of potionry publications. This caught the scornful eye of the Grand Magistrate - and the political pressure they applied was enough for A.E.C. to force one of their most prolific potioneers into early retirement.
In retrospect, Celah saw it as a blessing.
These days Sorcerer Celah spends most of his time in a small yet well-equipped alchemical laboratory nestled deep in the Thorn woods. He toils away late hours searching for his holy grail - a potion that would transport not only one's mind but one's body across the Psychic Leap and into the esoteric realms of the Quantum Downs. allowing a two-way communication with the mercurial and mischievous beings that reside therein, as opposed to the brief glimpses he'd achieved thus far.
His work is not without danger - after trying one particularly potent compound, he lost himself for 4 days, and regained consciousness nude in a fountain in the middle of Cagney Square, surrounded by a group of concerned and bemused onlookers. It didn't upset him in the slightest. He was never one to dwell on the opinions of others, although some of his closer friends have begun to question whether he is reaching the limits of his own sanity.
But, as Sorcerer Celah would often say with a chuckle, "Sanity is a luxury one can scant afford when transcending the limits of mind and magic!"
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