Aldus' storied, long line of descendants have been known to be altruistic and dare I even say, heroic throughout history of The Runiverse. But it didn't start that way.
As a young wizard, Aldus was the class clown, and looked down upon by the elder wizards. It stayed this way through his adolescence, and even into early adulthood as a fully trained wizard during his time.
When the Beasts first arrived, most wizards fled into The Wild, in hopes to hide from the wretched monsters. Aldus did not. He knew that he had trained his whole life, for this moment. Yielding only his dumb stick... and flanked by his trusty psychic rabbit, Aldus slayed the beasts with his whimsical and powerful magic. The surviving beasts were banished to an island in The Salt, better known today as Aldo's Isle.
As myth has it, Aldus stayed on that island to keep the beasts from ever returning, and after many years, even befriended the beasts with the help of his little psychic rabbit. It is believed that he is still there, enjoying his milk and ale every morning, as he he looks back at The Runiverse faintly visible mainland, under the rising sun.
Today, there are hundreds of Aldus' living throughout The Runiverse, most living up to their great ancestor...and yet some, are not. Their stories are for another time, however.
Aldus' legacy lives on, and his legendary story is still taught to the young wizards today.
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