Character of service: Satisfactory
Reason for discharge: Injury
Nature of injuries: ACM Ozohr has become afflicted by a handicap of unknown magical nature and origin. This handicap is characterized by spontaneous bouts of vertigo, dizziness, and intense auditory hallucinations. These episodes are passing in nature, sometimes brought on by periods of physical or magical exertion and/or stress. The cause of this condition is unknown and the Ether-Tech Corps claim no established responsibility for the onset for the condition of ACM Ozohr.
Academic Aptitude: ACM Ozohr is a diligent and detailed student. ACM Ozohr displays natural curiosity and an ability to quickly comprehend new subjects. ACM Ozohr performs in the top 10% of peers.
Combat Aptitude: ACM Ozohr has demonstrated above average proficiency in manipulating and directing pyro-kinetic forces. ACM Ozohr posseses strong control over the Salamander's breath spell. ACM Ozohr is a wizard of physical stamina and strength in the top 10% of peers when not impaired by injury.
ACM Ozohr has at times performed below the standard during practical application of combat exercises. Instructors have noted that ACM Ozohr seems to struggle with performance of duties to maximum capability while under prolonged or intense periods of pressure.
It is undetermined of ACM Ozohr possesses the cababilities to be effective as a front-line combat mage.
Combat Experience: No combat experience outside of training.
History of Assignments:
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