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Alchemist Zane of the Plains (#9311)

Owner: 0x7BB5…3E05

Unknown Diary Extract : More strangeness on the plains

I spotted a large, slow-moving caravan out on the plains. It seemed to be moving along no established route yet no obstacles were in its way. Nevertheless, as I approached, I heard the clinking of glasses. The caravan was being pulled by two elderly looking ponies and an even older albeit sprightly looking wizard !

They did not seem threatening, so I rode over to get a better look. The caravan was ornately decorated with wood carvings and strange runic symbols. A purple-hued mist was emanating from the gap beneath the side door. I shouted "What have you got in there ?" to the wizard, who had seemingly not even acknowledged my presence.

"It's my laboratory, oh no! my potions !" - The old wizard leapt towards that door like a gazelle ! He flung the door open and a purple miasma erupted outwards.

Whilst I choked on the caustic fumes, the wizard strode in. I heard a bottle crack underfoot and then, "Those blasted ponies look what they've done!" , he called him 'Pony #70' ? What a joke! That's the last time I'm buying ponies from a Kobold! I'm going to have to make all these potions again".

Entered by: 0x7D6c…784b and preserved on chain (see transaction)

The rarest animal on the planet is the Fire Fox. First discovered in Newfoundland, Canada more than a thousand years ago

Purple hat wizard alchemist Zane is the only person who these foxes visit on a regular basis. Sometimes they sit by the campfire with him. He doesn’t say much and leaves them alone. It is difficult to find wizard Zane and near impossible to find a fire fox.

Legendary folklore about them says that they were created by the swamp witch Keziah from her rune of fire. She tried to kill a pair of Cross Foxes by blasting them with fireballs. They were hit at the same second they landed into the swamp. Instead of dying, parts of their singed fur turned orange and other parts dark black. Today all fire foxes have the same fur.

If you do come in contact with one of these beautiful animals be careful. If you stare into their dark yellow eyes too long it will burn your retinas.

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05