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Hedge Wizard Aleister of the Tundra (#9297)

Owner: 0x9B41…Cf7F

The Lore of Hedge Wizard Aleister of the Tundra

“Academies? Pah! Full of dusty books and dustier wizards! The world is my academy.” - Hedge Wizard Aleister, when challenged on his education.

Aleister could have received his title for a number of reasons, chiefly because he looks to have been dragged through a hedge backwards. But in truth, he is a hedge wizard of a different ilk; a wanderer of the wilds, friend of beasts and those with little sense of smell.

Raised on the tundra, Aleister cut his teeth in Hedge Wizard Wood. Mugwort, horsetail, seven herbs, hemlock, he’ll dabble in anything. Except raw celery. Only a madman would mess with that.

His path is never lonely as he is accompanied by his familiar, a bliss cat named Briar. Briar would have preferred to have been called Thorn, but at least it was better than Brambles or Buttercup, which had both been in contention for a while.

Aleister made a name for himself after aiding the Frog Master of the marshes with an unsightly mottle. Nowadays, despite his scruffiness, scowling cat and dubious qualifications, he is called upon in times of need when all other help is too far away, or simply too expensive.

Entered by: 0x7f8D…5090 and preserved on chain (see transaction)