Jaffer knows that his job is to find the big Truths, with the capital "T", by traversing the Ethereal Realm. His frothy mug reminds him of the semipermeable nature of reality and his magical talent that lets him slip into the Ether. Intangibility is the first lesson he mastered. He takes a sip. The second discipline he employs is derived from his Rune that reminds him of The War. Prepared for battle, only then can he slip into the universe of scrying, leaving the material plane. He takes a second sip.
As an apprentice he walked though walls. Now he moves through a myriad of shadow planes, unhindered to find the real. The truths he sees floating like prismatic bubbles, once he is free. He is an amphibian swimming, now like his toad; a being of this world and The Other. When he returns to the earth from the journey with knowledge he always pets his familiar, to remind himself where he came from.
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