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Sorcerer Remus of the Obelisk (#8884)

The Lore of Sorcerer Remus of the Obelisk

During the age of majik, two thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk. Remus commands the remaining living heirs to the Geörgon throne.

A powerful wizard, Remus uses the divine chorlote to cast mass spells. The chorlote is a frequency that resides in mages carrying the blood of the chosen ones. Only certain wizards can command the chorlote and use the power to their advantage.

For more than a thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk, only three other wizards were known to command the chorlote. In 1666, Remus accidentally stumbled upon an ancient tomb with sacred inscriptions.

After clearing dust from the various sarcophagi, Remus came to a glorious conclusion. The heirs to Geörgon passed their divine sources to other wizards.

That's where Remus's adventure begins...

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