Once upon a time in the land of Snickerdoodle, there lived a cheerful wizard known as Arcanist Durm of the Grotto. Renowned for his flamboyant robes and whimsical spells, he spread joy wherever he went—until one fateful night.
Trapped in his tower, Durm was subjected to the relentless chatter of Bill Gains, the town’s most notorious blabbermouth. “You should really have a good quality lore!” Bill insisted. “And when will lore be open source? The grand wizards never keep their promises!”
After hours of this incessant yapping, Durm snapped. In a moment of desperation, he brewed a spell to escape the torment, but instead transformed himself into a shadowy figure who couldn’t bear to look directly at Bill. To cope, he donned an eye patch to lessen the visibility when Bill’s chatter began to overwhelm him.
While Bill’s rants became a town sensation, Arcanist Durm was left forever cloaked in shadows, hiding from the light of conversation. He became known as the wizard who loved the dark, eternally haunted by that long, torturous night filled with Bill Gains’ endless babble.
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