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Sorcerer Silas of the Mist (#8672)

Owner: 0x7999…6E0a

The Lore of Sorcerer Silas of the Mist

The Seer sees beyond the curving plane.

Beyond the linen wrappings tied so long

ago that body’s basic shrivel claimed

The organs bent on justifying wrongs.

When Silas sees the tremble in your song

you musn’t hide the soft and truthful half.

He knows your every contour, weak and strong

The swirling spys report on Zephyr’s Laugh.

A Sorc’rer sees his wolf familiar’s calf

Upon the hillside grazing pre-pursuit.

The natural order sorts the wheat from chaff -

her feral vision, apex resolute.

What mortal eyes do you know that can see

conclusive truth with Total Clarity?

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