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Fortune Teller Angus of the Atheneum (#8496)

Owner: 0x40b7…d3b4

Fortune Teller Angus of the Atheneum

I can see future events with great clarity, albeit with one major exception. I can never tell when my hip will fall out of place. I’m not sure how I keep injuring it. The problem might be carrying around my heavy ether staff. Maybe I’m sleeping in the wrong position or maybe I’m running through the Atheneum too much in an attempt to stay in shape for the ladies.

At least last night’s fortune brought good news. Friends will be visiting from near and far, and a Forgotten Pony will soon be at my service. A road trip to Goblin Town is in my future. Until then you'll find me inside resting my hip.

Entered by: 0x40b7…d3b4 and preserved on chain (see transaction)