This is but the first chapter in a longer story. For the full and current collection of the stories of the Order of the Eternal Rose visit here:
It was hundreds of years ago now, hundreds or more… In a quieter time.
In the gardens of the Red Wizard Capital, a humble Wizard by the name Samuel of the Canyon, worked tirelessly, weeding, tending, watering and harvesting. He had a love for the plants most will never understand and he was happiest when he was amongst the hedges and briars.
Samuel was a simple wizard. He knew in his heart, he belonged in the Canyon, but from the day he met his dear Thana, he knew he had to do whatever he could to get close to her. A poor provincial wizard like him had no chance with a lady of the capital like her, but their love transcended the boundaries of rich and poor. The gardens of the capital were a place for him to work, but also a place they could meet and keep their love secret. There under the apple trees in the scattered orchard, they could be alone, just the two of them.
And the gardens were loved by all commoners of the capital. Though Sam kept it well tended, the gardens themselves weren’t much to look at. The stone walls were crumbled and discoloured, the cobblestone pathways were cracked and showed their wear and the rusty old gate creaked loudly as you came and went. But Samuel didn’t mind: the gardens were a place for common folk. Somewhere they could go and escape the high society that so much of the capital had become. A place for the people, nurtured by a man of the people.
And the roses were Samuel’s most beloved treasures. None in the realm had ever seen roses like these. Some even say that they had magical healing powers, though that might be a story for another day…
The word of the roses of the capital gardens grew and Samuels work was recognized and appreciated by the high Red Wizards. It wasn’t long before his rose garden grew so beautiful that it became one of the most sought after places in the capital. People started travelling from far and wide to take in the beauty and wonder of this magical place. Under Samuels care, the gardens always looked immaculate, so much so, people began to call it ‘The Gardens of the Eternal Rose’ for no matter what the season, Sam’s roses always were in bloom.
Sam proposed that they expand the gardens and he could take cuttings of the roses making the gardens larger so more could enjoy them. However, the powers at work in the capital saw the opportunity before them. Fueled by greed, they wanted to take the roses from the people and offer them only to the oligarchs.
They brought fine architects, glamorous gardners and marvellous masons from all over the kingdom. They planned to completely rebuild the gardens surrounding the rose hedges: uproot the vegetable gardens, cut down the fruit trees, weed out the medicinal herbs and reagents. The plan would see the gardens transformed into a place of luxury and glamour.
The rusty old iron gate was replaced with one made of enchanted rose gold that would only allow those of the utmost wealth and prestige to enter. The common folk were shooed off by the capital guards and told to find their food and medicines elsewhere: they were no longer welcome in the ‘Eternal Garden’. But as construction began, the day came where they took down the orchard. The moment the tree he and his beloved shared together fell, Thana too fell into a deep mystical sleep, seemingly unending…
Samuel couldn’t take it any longer. His true love and his gardens both being ripped from him sent him into a rage. His next actions were as if possessed. With his hedge sheers in hand he went to work.
Minutes later, Sam was running from the gardens, hustling through the streets of the city. The enchanted pockets of his overalls were deeper than they looked: much deeper. He tried to keep his rage hidden as he headed through the streets of town and through the city gates out onto the highway. The capital guards barely looked at him twice. He looked like a lowly commoner after all.
It was only after the capital was a low bump on the horizon did Sam fall to his knees, weeping. Looking into his pockets he checked on his cuttings. There, in his coverall pockets, the rose bush cuttings wrapped in damp cloth were hidden. Another pouch held seed packets of so many of his treasured trees, herbs, shrubs and more.
He would start a new garden. A garden for the common folk of the land. And maybe one day, that garden would wake his true love and bring her back to him.
With all the construction in the capital gardens it was actually days before anyone noticed Samuel was gone. But it was a full week before the true gravity of Sam’s magic was understood. See, when Sam took his cuttings from the bushes, he not only cut the roses, but he also cut the magic from the briar as well.
That day marked the last day any roses would bloom in the capital gardens. Sam cut one and took it with him, but the others became the last roses the Eternal Garden would ever grow. But the magic of the roses lingered on as those remaining roses were also enchanted and became the Eternal Roses. Never to wilt, never to die, they stayed beautiful, always.
When the magic of the roses was understood the oligarchs went mad with greed. Hacking roses from the bush, the people of the capital scrambled to cling to the memories of the gardens and the mystical powers these roses might have. Some fell into the hands of those who truly treasured them, while others sought them only in envy and greed. Today, they are scattered across the land, held by wizards of all sorts. Some understand there is a simple beauty with them, thorns and all, but others hold them clinging to their majesty and power.
Wanting the magic of the gardens back in the capital, the oligarchs had Samuel hunted. Guards, bounty hunters and even devoted cultists of the roses alike searched for him and his new garden.
With a little help from some friends he met fleeing the capital, Samuel built a new garden. The magic of the garden grew its own defences to hide itself from those who sought after it for the wrong reasons, showing itself only to those worthy.
It became known as the Enchanted Garden.
To this day, on one knows exactly where the Enchanted Garden is. Some say they’ve found it in hedge wizard wood, others the fey or the thorn or the pines by dream master lake. Some say the Enchanted Garden is exactly where you need it to be and will find you in your hour of need. Some say the Garden is but a myth.
What grows in the garden? Stories have been told that its a place where the hungry are fed, the injured are healed and the worried are soothed. It’s a place where ideas can be planted and through the collective of those tending this garden, not just plants, but ideas, plans, dreams can grow! It is a truly magical place.
Just a few decades ago, a small band of Wizards set out to find the Eternal Roses and use their undying strength and power for good. Banding together they became what is now known as the Order of the Eternal Rose. Some say they know how to reach the Enchanted Garden, guarding its secrets with their life.
And every day now, with the Zombie King on the rise, the ancient beasts on the loose, and the ever growing darkness reaching further and further onto our lands, those who hold Eternal Roses are feeling a call - a stir to action! Rise up and join the Order of the Eternal Rose! Together we can band strong and use our !magic to push back these evil forces, heal the common folk and bring growth and prosperity to all good people of this land!
And ol’ Sam? No one has seen him in centuries for certain.. Some say he died of sorrow when the Enchanted Garden didn’t return sweet Thana to him. Some say he is still there, trimming, clipping and planting away. Others say he turned in his brown hat for a white one and spends his days in the centre of the garden, in quiet meditation.
Perhaps one day we will come to know the rest of his story. But not today.
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