With his peyote to guide him, Shaman Cromwell of the Valley seeks truth and understanding, to better navigate these strange worlds. He finds clarity through the fog, and uses his special seeing abilities to predict future events with great accuracy. His vision is only ever misguided if he over indulges in cactus power, for the greatest enhancement comes with moderation, retraint, and willpower. Knowing when to stop is both this Shaman's blessing and curse. Hope that luck is on your side when it matters most.
When the stars are properly aligned and the peyote is dosed just right, Shaman Cromwell can summon all forms of ancient magic to protect himself and those within his close circle. His memory of such events is often hazy due to the lingering effects of the psychedlic plant, but truth speaks for itself in the number of lives saved through his mysterious abilities.
Likes chocolate, more than is healthy, and will go to great lengths for such a treat.
Boots are always soaking wet. Why? "Because magic", he says...
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