Battle Mage Eric of the Morning Star, renowned for his prowess and tactical acumen on the battlefield, undertook an innovative approach to training his monkey familiar, Merlin. Eric sought to harness the power of conditioning to enhance the combat effectiveness of his companion.
The training commenced with the use of the Siren's Bell, a magical artifact of considerable potency. Eric understood that for the Pavlovian conditioning to be successful, a stimulus that was both consistent and unmistakable was required. The Siren's Bell, with its ethereal and captivating tone, served this purpose perfectly. Each time the bell tolled, it was a signal for Merlin to engage in a specific combat maneuver or tactic that they had practiced together.
Initially, the process involved simple commands. The tolling of the bell would prompt Merlin to execute a basic defensive posture or launch a mock attack against an imaginary foe. However, as the training progressed, the commands became increasingly complex, incorporating elements of stealth, agility, and even the use of rudimentary weapons fashioned specifically for the monkey's use.
This innovative use of Pavlovian theory underscored a broader truth within the Runiverse: the bond between a mage and their familiar is not merely one of companionship but of mutual growth and learning. In training Merlin, Eric of the Morning Star not only enhanced the martial prowess of his familiar but also deepened their connection, creating a partnership that was both powerful and harmonious.
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