Keziah: Hebrew for 'cassia tree,' a symbol of female equality.
Born in Limbo, free from original sin, Keziah stewards over the trapped souls who await their judgment - or resurrection - to the void, the spirit realm, or the mortal plane.
An Undertaker of sorts, she cares for and escorts these undead til their journey's completion.
She shepherds her flock with the jinx staff, fashioned in the shape of the wryneck (Latin iynx) and the namesake of the sorceress nymph Lynx, daughter of Pan and Echo, who was transformed by Hera into this bird as punishment for an enchantment spell she cast on Zeus. A gentle reminder to the wielder that she, too, may not interfere with human will. She cannot change these souls fate... or can she?
The lucky black cat at her side, unnamed and eternally misplaced, a cruel reminder of the freedom that Keziah secretly seeks. Her rune of air a symbolic nod to those she loves, those she knows have made it to the other side.
Should Keziah succumb to her desires to escape this eternity of undertaking, of caring for the undead, in search of something new?
Could she have lived a life before Limbo that she's forgotten? she simply stuck there, too?
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