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Arcanist Lumos of the Valley (#8059)

Owner: 0xc51E…751D

Arcanist Lumos of the Valley

"The way of light is the way of purity"

Arcanist Lumos is one of the earliest disciples of The Light. He was touched by a sacred ray as a young boy and the profoundness of the vision that befell him humbled him so deeply that he took a vow of silence and noncommunication, for he felt that words, whether spoken or written, are futile in comparison to the magnificence of The Light. It is for this reason that he never took on a familiar and does not utilize Runes. As an adherent of what he himself considers the purest teaching of Thelema, he conjures his spells as a sheer manifestation of his will. His complete silence during battles is deeply unsettling to most of his foes.

”The silence must not be disturbed”
Lumos is rumored to be centuries old but the touch of The Light rendered him nigh immune to the grasps of time and ageing. He lives a life of ascesis in the valleys north of the Sacred Pillars. Both people and creatures often visit him in his cave, for he emits an atmosphere of silence and warming light that soothes his visitors.

”It is, as if the noise and clatter of the world dampen down in Lumos’ presence” - Haggai the Wise
Lumos’ only earthly possessions are his Thelemist Hat, his trusty Shoulder Cape and his Harmony Staff. The Thelemist Hat helps dispersing his willpower, which usually manifests as pure white light, into the different colors of light, thereby granting his powers greater versatility. The Harmony Staff was once the root of a tree that was touched by the same sacred ray as Lumos, when his vision befell him. He carries this root with him since that day. It is a source of power and vibrates with energy but also makes a formidable melee weapon, if need be.

The Light is pure intention and thus the only antidote to entropy and chaos”

A mediocre fighter under any normal circumstances, Lumos hates entropy with every fiber of his being and The Light burns with extraordinary intensity inside of him, whenever he faces off with the minions of Chaos and Darkness in any shape or form. In these cases, it seems as if he becomes an incarnation of The Light itself, and the aura of almightiness that blazes from his presence strikes fear into his enemies.

Entered by: 0xc51E…751D and preserved on chain (see transaction)