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Cromwell wondered if his dog bocho was lonely in the mountains. Always he seemed to stare off into the middle distance, lost in thought, unusual for a dog. They sat by the fire and Bocho let out a deep sigh.
"Would you like to meet other dogs bocho?"
Bocho looked back at Cromwell and was obviously intrigued by the question, but did not provide a direct answer. He didn't seem lonely, but maybe it wouldn't hurt for him to at least meet some more dogs. Maybe Bocho could find a romantic interest and start a family. Maybe he could do the same.
He scratched behind the familiar's ear and wondered if he should resist trying to play matchmaker for his companion. "No good deed goes unpunished" his mother used to say. Cromwell wondered if this contributed to his reclusiveness, something he always hated about himself.
"That settles it! Let's head back into the city."
Bocho looked up skeptically.
"Really what have we been afraid of all of these years? What's the worst that could happen Bocho? Get stolen by bandits and burned at the stake? not likely..."
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