Beyond the towering spires of The Secret Tower, due west across the shimmering expanse of the Runiverse, lies an island that strikes awe and mystery into the hearts of many - the home of the Purple Wizard Pavilion. This enchanting isle, with its chaotic structures and dizzying details, holds secrets and wonders beyond imagination.
It was here that Wizard #7899 carved a name for herself, not as just another Purple Wizard, but as the Pavilion's formidable asset. While others marveled at the grandeur of the Pavilion and lost themselves in its endless corridors, Calista was the shadow that moved with purpose. With a background as a Dark Sister, her mastery of darker, more esoteric magic made her the go-to for the Pavilion’s most treacherous assignments.
Whispers often circulated among the wizards, of a particular incident where an overly curious soul had dared to probe Calista about one of her tasks. It was rumored that the questioning wizard was found the next day, reduced to a pile of ashes, with Calista's chilling gaze being the last thing he ever saw. Such tales only fortified her mysterious reputation, causing many to tread lightly around her.
The Purple Wizards had their strengths, but when it came to tasks that delved into the unknown, tasks that even they hesitated to undertake, it was Calista they turned to. Her methods were inscrutable, her results undeniable. Most wizards at the Pavilion preferred not to inquire into the “how” of her accomplishments. After all, some truths are better left unearthed, especially when it came to Calista.
By her side, always, was Asteria, the Mesozoic Cockatrice. This creature, with its ancient lineage, was a marvel in the Runiverse. Rumors whispered that perhaps less than a hundred of her kind existed, making Asteria a beacon of rarity and wonder. But it wasn’t just her rarity that made Asteria special. Through their bond, Asteria could magnify Calista's already formidable cosmic magic, turning them into an unstoppable force.
As days turned to nights and nights to days, a new assignment came Calista’s way. It was a name she hadn't expected - Wizard #7518 ( The Pavilion wanted him, and they believed only Calista could achieve this with the discretion they desired.
Setting her gaze towards The Thorn, Calista, with Asteria's constellated scales gleaming in anticipation, embarked on her mission. The Pavilion had spoken, and its will was about to be executed. With Calista's step towards the Thorn, the fates of many would soon intertwine in unexpected ways.
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