A powerful, yet humble wizard. Known for his proficiency in the magic arts, Isaac was often called upon to aid in relieving a neighborhood illness or to eradicate diseased crops. He had a simple but happy life, a daughter, and a wife. That was until the day tragedy struck. Isaac became reclusive and refused to teach anyone magic after that day. Ever since his family's passing, Isaac has ever reliably wandered the halls of a Sanctuary of Magi alone. A single candle lit in hand, surrounded by physical and spiritual darkness.
If you are thinking about how sad and dull this story is, don't fret, our archmage's story does not end here.
One day, after many years of seclusion, Isaac peaked out his window (as he usually does when he hears company and plans to ignore them) to see an unassuming girl marching down the walkway. Small in build with a fiercely beautiful face, nevertheless for she had incredibly furrowed brows.
Isaac could see her pure determination from behind the glass. He hadn't seen anyone approach his door with anything other than pity in some time. Isaac remembered feeling relieved by that.
A hard knock on the door and a "I know you're in there!" compelled Isaac to let in some light. She was his first and only student. Townsfolk wonder how and why this stranger girl got through to their resident mage. None dared to say it aloud, but some thought the girl looked a little like Isaac's late daughter.
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