The gruffly beard of this wizard projects a being of age, wise beyond its years, and rich from a life of priceless experiences. However, below the surface lies a youthful undeveloped mind, naive and gullible to those that walk the land.
This would be of great concern for most but The Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow, with his unassuming, warm, and over-trusting manner, is protected by an enchanted serpent.
This emerald green Egyptian cobra is the true guardian of the Battle Mage, that without, he would be defenseless against the manipulative creatures that reside in The Wild.
This asp detects the inner intent of all those before it, irrespective of how they present themselves, consuming their thoughts. Its extremely potent venom, projected as a mist, controls the mind of almost all, paralyzing those that misrepresent their claims.
The Green Asp of the Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow has further mysterious and undocumented powers that are enhanced by the bag of tricks possessed by its partner.
This, a symbiotic union, neither being could exist without.
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