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Pyromancer Zaros (#7726)

Owner: 0x35f5…1e69

The Lore of Zaros, the Pyromancer

In the desolate lands of a world now divided into

    covens, Zaros lived, a nomadic wizard who did 
                          not belong to any coven.

 With more than 16 years old Zaros had to choose his place in the world and thought that music would be his home, but it was not so; in the coven of musician wizards he could not integrate, could not find an instrument but above all he could not find his voice.


                                         The law says:

**_If a magician does not find the gift chosen by him he

must declare himself ‘null’, that is, devoid of all magic and outside any coven._**

 After many years to date, Zaros is a lonely man, without a home but above all without aim: wandering through the woods looking for the reason of its existence.

  One day, as he was passing the unapproachable Hedge Wizard Wood, so called because only those who possess a gift, could absorb new magic formulas that the ancient master trees whissued in the wind, he met a magical pony that started to follow him.

 The two didn’t open their mouths until Zaros noticed the strange light the Pony rune was constantly emanating:


 _Who are you? What do you want from me? - Z_aros asked, interrupted by 
 the hard sound that his voice took on, he hadn't heard it in several 
 years, he had never talked to anyone.

 _Darcy the keen from the big lineage six magic ponies_ - the pony 
 introduced himself as if he were in front of someone very important.

 _Well, what do you want from me?_ - asked the poor man, tired of too 
 many words.

 _Please be silent, I was given a prophecy that says: ‘the key is the nomad 
 and the lock is the light that will illuminate your path in search of 
 what no one can see except from friendly flames’ but I didn’t 
 understand much about it, but I found you who are nomad!_


 _I don’t want to meddle in any trouble, goodbye heavenly friend_

So he did left, without looking back, but after a few hours he realized he was still in the company of the pony but pretended nothing, until he heard a whisper, it looked like the whisper of the wind, but he couldn't understand what he was saying.

 _Damn, I’ll be crazy! Only wizards can hear master trees from the wind... 
 -_ trying to convince himself that it was all the fruit of his imagination

 _Oh no my dear nomad, it’s you. The chosen one. He who will have the 
 power to see beyond, in friendly fire!_

 _Go back to where you came from!_

Look at the flame inside you,

take it and make it your rebirth

 _I have to, I have to do it, they’re driving me! Darcy are talking to me! - 
 t_he man couldn’t believe it._       


With his consent the new nascent wizard began his inner journey, to find the flame and light himself once and for all.

(Courtesy of Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult)

Entered by: 0x35f5…1e69 and preserved on chain (see transaction)