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Arch-Magician Aleister of the Heath (#7437)

Owner: 0x9FeC…1456

Labyrinthians form an inconspicuous society of the Runiverse, partly because they are generally not so skilled with magic, more with crafting and building. But Aleister decided magic was his thing when a couple of Midas Rods were found in the Labyrinth excavations, deep within the Cave of the Platonic Shadow.

Borrowing one for study, he quickly found resonance with Air Magic. One can only imagine how odd it is for an underground fellow to discover such an aptitude, especially when you have never seen the sky !

Archmagies were very skeptical of his ability, Air spells being deemed too dangerous to conjure in closed environments. In truth, none of them had the ability nor the motivation to provide him with guidance.

Left alone with this cursed talent, Aleister had to make a tough decision. This Rod had awakened a potential within him he couldn’t ignore, now he felt the urge to see the sky, now he wanted to go Outside ! That wasn’t allowed in the Labyrinth code but the call was too strong to be dismissed. Conquering his fears, he set forth when the tunnels went quiet, never to be seen again.

Legend has it that he was found unconscious in a heath bush near the Great Owl Obelisk by Wizard #7644 after a messy incantation. Recognizing his potential, she provided him with the required knowledge to properly channel Air spells.

Thus Aleister became the only Labyrinthian to master the Forgotten Rune of Air, ascending as one of the few Air Arch-Magicians roaming the Runiverse.

Entered by: 0x9FeC…1456 and preserved on chain (see transaction)