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Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit (#740)

Owner: 0x8793…D8Fb

Solare Mage From Hell

There are many iterations of Hell. Some say it is a fire burning forever. Others will point to excruciating torture by devils with pointy horns. One of these iterations is where Solar Mage Liliana claims to have ascended from.

She calls it the Pit.

A place of despair and pain, with no light ever reaching the depths of. If and how this is possible remains a theological question but what is certain is that Liliana embodies the most vile and corrupt aspects of the tellings of hell.

Ever since she appeared in the theater of the world, she pulled the strings of Kings and Lords. Having pushed many over the edge of insanity, helping them to execute atrocious and acts of violence.

She appears in different persona’s but her most used appearance is that of the Solar Mage, claiming she is a herald of the Sun God. The blinding light she emits doesn’t come from the Sun, but rather from a mysterious arcane Rune that only she has mastered: The Rune of Cinnabar.

This Rune was once held by a dark mage, but when he was overthrown it was transported with him to the pit. For the longest time the tale of the Rune of Cinnabar was told but at last, the world forgot about it. Centuries passed and eras turned but suddenly the rune returned by the hand of a new wielder.

With the Rune she was able to gain mastery over the Fire spell, something she has used to set whole towns on fire.

Looking away from the bright light Liliana of the Pit emits with the Rune and you’ll see a different face. A face of evil.

There are several aspects that immediately should warn everyone of imminent danger and an unspoken evil. Upon return to the surface, she hasn’t chosen to look beautiful and innocent. Her head has been twisted and formed to resemble one of the vilest of creatures. Big fangs on the corners of her mouth and a greenish skin, she looks like what is called a vampire. It is unclear if she possesses any of the traits attributed to these monsters.

Stories certainly exist.

It is said that she drinks the blood of her vanquished foes and that she can turn into a bat at will. On the other hand however she can walk through the light of the sun without getting hurt.

Her body is a whole different story.

Ethereal, translucent at times and always flowing in the wind when there is none, her clothes and skin are the subject of many scholarly discussions. The most likely link they could find with something belonging to this world is that her body has the same attributes of a White Wraith.

White Wraiths are formed by the death of a woman who has been violently touched and killed. Normally they are bound to the body, only operating in the close vicinity of the place they are buried or dumped. In some cases, the wraith had linked its conscience with a close personal belonging of the deceased, allowing it to be traveled over a great distance with the item itself.

Because of this, it is clear that Liliana isn’t a full white wraith. She may have a physique resembling it and the myth probably will have some truth to it. However, the fact that her intelligence and conscience far exceeds that of a mere mortal, shows that she is above definitions of monsters. She is unique in her calling and power, and depending on who you ask, she’s the devil or a goddess.

There is one other thing very unique about the Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit.

She wasn’t the only thing that came out of the place she crawled out from.

With her she brought her beloved and feared pet snake, a Red Mamba. It is believed to be the focus of her power, allowing her to spread her venomous words in the ear of Kings.

It allows her to absorb the energy of the Pit through her animal companion, making her use of the Rune of Cinnabar and the Fire spell that much more powerful. One depiction of an event paints the blaze she casted over a town as snake-shaped, with fangs striking at homes and burning them asunder.

Entered by: 0x1a76…0064