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Archmagus Mina of Atlantis (#7342)

Owner: 0x7DD3…e5c7

The Lore of Archmagus Mina of Atlantis

The story of Archmagus Mina of Atlantis is as old as Atlamts itself. Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon, who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Mina originates from this glorious time of ideal and educated society and is a reminder that eduction stands above everything.

For many years Mina has been an alchemist, not one of great name, not one of greater skill, but one who focuses on the everyday works of what alchemy may do. Even before reaching the rank of Mentor alchemist in the former Alchemy Guild in Atlantis, he was already teaching a student. Before his teacher disappeared for a few years, he promoted him to that rank, allowing him to fully teach anyone he wished, and make them alchemists when the time came to it. He has had many students throughout the years, even being as young an Alchemist as he is. He wrote a book series that combines all he has learnt in alchemy, containing information from old alchemists, such as Tippen and the Traveling Alchemist, to the newest masters.

Nowadays, he travels mostly with his familiar and cotinues to spread his knowlege to worthy individuals.

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