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Druid Diana of the Wood (#7003)

Owner: 0x15Bf…6806

The Forgotten Runes Wizards have existed for millenniums. These wizards reflect all the potential and pitfalls that any world must face. Wizards have been forces for good yet forces for evil. They are an idiosyncratic group with unpredictable behaviors – creative, destructive, humorous, intellectual, silly and serious.

The Forgotten Runes Wizards have remained hidden yet thriving in another world, immune but observant to the wild swings of history that unfolded in a parallel universe on Earth.

But as world order of the 21st century has dissolved into world chaos, the Wizards of the Runiverse take their place in the new world order. The Forgotten Runes Wizards are now responding to an earthly calling.

They are emerging from their parallel universe aka Runiverse and revealing themselves to the select cult of FRWC. The Wizards and their extended group (ponies, beasts, warriors, etc) have carefully revealed themselves in a measured time frame. Why Forgotten Runes Wizards have chosen this moment to appear is as complex as each individual wizard. The cult that has grown around their emergence is one to be celebrated and respected.

One very special Wizard is Druid Diana of the Wood. She has spent the past millennia as a Defender of Womankind in the Runiverse of Forgotten Runes. Supportive of all women, mothers, grandmothers and their children, protecting them from danger as well as protecting their rights of citizens and contributors to society, Druid Diana of the Wood has been a defender and champion of them all. She exercises her magic, her strength, her imagination and her determination with enlightenment and wisdom.

Follow Druid Diana of the Wood’s adventures as she transports herself through a looking glass, morphing into different incarnations, to wherever summoned and needed…

Her story shall continue as challenges arise so keep a lookout for her !

Entered by: 0x15Bf…6806 and preserved on chain (see transaction)