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Artificer Aleister of Atlantis (#6980)

Owner: 0xE3f2…967D

Artificer Aleister of Atlantis

You blow the dust of the old, leatherbound journal, and the key you found in his tower fits into the lock with a click. The tome opens to the last entry...

XIII/IXVI - Thirteenth of Sun's Dawn.

Cogwheel in the Astronomical Difference Engine time-warped again. Must be the damned agitators playing up like last time. I'll be feeding the worms before I see Atlantis again at this rate.

Will have to make the long journey to the Hollow to gather more motes for transmutation. I wish Yolgnu were still here... could use some company on the roads. Though were our paths to cross once more I would fear for my life.

The storm is picking up again, I feel a strange sensation on my skin as the rain hammers against the windows of the Guild tower. Archmage Magnussen appears to be trying to conjure another Thunderhawk on the grounds outside. Would explain all this racket. Can't concentrate... Must get some rest.

XIV/IXCVI - Fourteenth of Sun's Dawn

Packed everything into the Bottomless Pouch. Three days provisions, the self-pitching gazebo, and the clockwork compass. Expect to restock in the Hollow. The townsfolk there are usually helpful. I hear there is a young boy there who has shown remarkable promise... I only hope they don't venture too far into the woods. They know not what lurks deep in those dark pine glades, and I pray they never find out.

Restless sleep last night - probably owing to the storm and thoughts of home. It would be evening in Atlantis now - if it weren't under a thousand fathoms of saltwater.

Perhaps if the Difference Engine had a second infusion... I'll try to conjure it on the morrow before we depart. Had the stablehands ready my pony. He's getting old now, the poor thing - almost as old as I am! If the gods are good we should receive good weather and clear skies along the way.

XVII - Seventeeth of Sun's Dawn

Arrived at the Hollow. Scene of destruction. Something horrible has happened. Villagers all lay dead bar one small boy - the one I have heard gossip about.

He says his name is Wizard #9456. As I have heard, he does indeed show promise, judging from the remains of his home I can see his talent clearly. Some of these inventions are worthy even of a fourth year at the Guild.

Footprints at the site confirmed my worst fears. The Sasquatch has been here. The poor fools must have aroused it somehow and drawn it out of the woods.

The boy is grief-stricken. His parents have been killed by the beast. Oh, Yolgnu... what have I done? I never meant for the potion to have this effect. He must have grown even more powerful in the months since. Some of these poor folk have been torn limb from limb.

I shall take the young one with me back to the Guild. He must be trained in our arts. Perhaps together, in time and with the right training, we can cure him - or put a stop to him if all else fails.

The damned Difference Engine can wait. Atlantis can wait. It's time to right this wrong.

Surely there must be a way to reverse the effects of the potion... perhaps a part of Yolgnu still exists inside the Sasquatch? I can only hope.

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