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Sorcerer Jeldor of the Ether (#6900)

Owner: 0xFa43…08e9

Sorcerer Jeldor of the Ether

Fire magic is ofter ignored by the higher wizards who look down on it as a simple ability any wizard should be able do.

Sorcerer Jeldor of the Ether has spent a lifetime exploring its potential. He discovered that if, instead of creating more heat using magic, you use magic to keep removing heat from an object eventually it enters a state where even large objects have quantum like properties.

Using his Ember Frog familiar as a guide he regularly removes all the heat from his own body, placing it in a burning torch for storage, in order to venture into the Ether. While there he collects fragments of the Ether realm, placing them inside real objects like staffs and crystal balls that he can carry back to the Runiverse and sell to other wizards and magical creatures for gold.

Every time he visits the Ether he leaves a little more of himself behind inside the realm, taking the risk each journey that his frog will no longer be strong enough to guide him back or even worse that his quantum doppelganger will go back instead of him, leaving him trapped for all eternity in the freezing cold Ether.

Entered by: 0xCa19…BA3a