The forest was silent, only the sound of a green woodpecker could be heard. And then the muttering: are my everything. - No, what would she react, think! - I'm yours forever! - Ah, she would never say that". And it went on like that for hours, as the once prominent student of the Secret Tower roamed through the wilderness.
It had started out as an innocent affection. The sweets she's selling were also a delight, it was a good reason for visiting her every day. But no matter what he conjured up for her, she would not care more, just the smile she gave to all other customers.
His adoration of Wizard #5251 slowly consumed the wizard's mind. And that's when he found it, in his abysmal desperation. A small building in the middle of the forest. As he approached it, noises of clincking, pattering, a little blast - It's a workshop! - He thought. The plate above the door said Cabinet of Curiosities, and he knew already what he would get here, and how that would seal his and Velorina's fate. His little rabbit looked up on him, asking with his eyes - Is this a good idea? - He jiggled, and entered the premises.
Entered by: 0x1282…d3a2 and preserved on chain (see transaction)