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Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount (#6825)

Owner: 0x6638…ebCA

The Lore of Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount

Degrelle a colleague of Ozohr's from his time in the Archipellago, and one of the few contacts Ozohr still kept in the worlld of magical academia, came to the mount one day with a seemingly urgent matter to discuss with Ozohr. Ozorh abhored unannounced personal visits but he had known Degrelle long enough to know that he would not be here were it not important. Upon being let in and provided a large cup of mead, Degrelle relayed to Ozohr rumors of Magical Flames appearing to powerful wizards. "I'm well aware of the sacred flames, old friend" Ozohr eventually interjected "One appeared to me." For a moment Degrelle appeared almost disappointed at Ozohr's admission, he was however quick to hise this. "Where is it now?" Degrelle asked "Sold on to some greater fool" Ozohr said "no doubt the imbicile has used it to burn himself into a coffin by now." "You sold it?!" asked Degrelle, agahst "I am perfectly secure in my abilities. I feel no need to gamble with dark magic" Ozohr replied firmly "And moreover if the opportunists and circus performers who have turned magic into a sideshow want to speed up natural selection, far be it from me to stop them." "You would prefer they become dark wizards?" Degrelle asked, not believing the apathy he was hearin from his old friend "At least dark wizards believe in something. When its just us and them, there's some dignity to this...thing of ours, but these opportunists and social climbers are upsetting the balance." Ozohr growled "I cheer the coming of the flame, and drink to every fool that has and will lose themselves playing with dark magic." Degrelle said nothing. Ozohr realized he had shocked his old colleague. The years of solitude had not done well for his social ability, and he felt he grew more bitter every day. "Look" Ozohr said attempting sound reassuring "the flames are out there, that cannot be undone. Let things run their course, the cards fall where they may. Perhaps accumulate flames for study, and when/if the Forgotten Souls become a threat to the realm, you have my word, that this self imposed exile will not keep me from lending my support. "I suppose that is all I can ask" Degrelle said reluctantly "I shall keep in contac then, any major developments and I will get word to you" A moment late Degrelle was gone. Ozohr returned to his desk and opened and old spell book, there was much preparation to be done for the days ahead.

Entered by: 0xEDCE…d963 and preserved on chain (see transaction)

The journeys of the sagely Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount

The esteemed Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount and his trusty toad have seen it all.

They've traversed and hopped their way across virtually every corner of the Runeverse and continue to impart knowledge to anyone they cross paths with.

While Ozohr vibes by default, do not cross him or a fierce foe may appear.

Rumours have it that his toad companion is his former lover who has been stuck in the body of a toad for centuries. He holds hope that one day they'll be of the same form. Whether that's both toads or both wizards only time will tell....

Entered by: 0x55c8…2a7b and preserved on chain (see transaction)