Known as the Father of the Forest, legend accurately states that Archmagus of the Forest is one of the oldest Wizards in the Realm, some say older than the trees themselves. His magic is deeply connected to all things that grow. Whether it be trees, tobacco leaves, barley, or businesses, Archmagus of the Forest is the ultimate growth deviner.
A joyful soul, Archmagus of the Forest is passionate about life's simple pleasures, such as long conversations with trees, a pint (or three) of ale, and fine tobacco leaf.
He is also a wise and cunning businessman. The combination of his unque growth magic and his love for quality tobacco leaf led him to create the Wizarding Forest Tobacco Company, which is the most successful and highest quality tobacco company in the Realm - by far.
Many passers-by have heard of the Archmagus of the Forest, but confuse him for a much younger wizard on account of his black beard and young face. The secret to his young appearance comes from his deep friendship with all trees of the Forest. The trees cast upon him, through root and branch, a natural magic that enhances his powers and has also creates a lucky byproduct that reverses ageing.
Archmagus of the Forest possesses one of the most rare and valuable items in all the realm: the Magic Flute of the Forest. The Legend of the Flute's power is known by all Wizards throughout the Realm. It is one of the most effective artifacts in the Realm for warding off spells. It can also be used to enhance a Wizard's general magic, such as Archmagus of the Forest's growth magic.
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