Ooh, hello hello! Please do pull up a chair and sit for a moment, and I shall regale you with the life and times of the most wonderful me - and of course by that I mean Diviner Zaros of the Ether!
Let's see now. I was lucky enough to be born into absurd wealth, so my childhood was one of extreme extravagance and grandeur. The family not-so-humble-abode was one of those huge marble things, full of pillars and sweeping staircases - you know the sort yes? Rather impractical, and incredibly expensive to heat, especially situated where it was, just to the east of the Gate to the Seventh Realm.
As soon as I could talk, my mother and father had private tutors and priests filling my young head with all kinds of subjects - everything from the divine to the ridiculous. As such, by the age of sixteen I had grown weary of study, and ran away with just a small bag full of cash and my trusty pet ember frog named Keith.
My travels took me in a southerly direction, past the lake and through the forests... after many months I ended up at Goblin Town. Now, you might rightly think this wouldn't be the best place for a spotty young teenager who got bored sitting at home being taught everything about the runiverse, but strangely my twelve year stay in Goblin Town was the thing that made a man of me.
For the first several months amongst the Goblins, I worked in the kitchen of the local pub (unimaginitively called "The Pub") washing dishes and cleaning tables. Eventually I was trusted enough to start serving drinks, and helping out with the other side of the pub's business - gambling. On the top floor of the building, pub owner Lumpy was running a fantastic array of card and dice games. Due to my quick wits and charm, and uncanny ability to remember who had what cards, I was a natural in the pub's gaming rooms.
Those years playing cards in Lumpy's pub were the best of erm, well, I think they were good anyway - I can't honestly remember all that much about them as I was quite often very drunk indeed. Sufficing to say that Keith and I left goblin town as worldly card masters, at which point it seemed only appropriate to go home and finish my studies in the divine, once I'd apologised to my parents of course.
Roll on thirty years of exciting and fascinating study of Divination, and here we are! Fancy a quick game of "find the ace?"
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