With his life as a wizard in limbo, Sorcerer Eden
looked no farther than the Key to the 7th Realm
he was holding directly in front of his face for direction.
Using the Key to the 7th Realm would become his destiny.
@Soul3240 also plays a key role in Eden's story.
Necro Frog Poppy of the Mist and Sorcerer Eden of Limbo
crossed paths in front of the gate the to the 7th Realm
exactly when the Beasts were set to be released.
How and why they came to be in that same place at that exact moment
can only be described as !magic.
Together, using Eden's Key and Poppy's Diamond Spell
they opened one of 21 locks and helped release the Beasts,
forever locking them together and forever locking their story in history.
Entered by: 0xD1D6…4692 and preserved on chain (see transaction)