Battle Mage of the Tower
Will fortified by strength, strength fortified by will.
Second Lord Mage, Order of Last Battle
Why is it we find ourselves in strife, why is it we are never prepared, how do we die a more noble death. The weakness of men leaks into every faucet of his life, their will softened by pleasures, their fortitude hung up like their weapons. Red glory traded for golden lunches, black earth replaced by white linen. Your will is the first to corrupt and takes longest to repair, your body takes the most nourishment, but is the first to break.
You cannot prepare for a future unforeseen, just like a seed planted, you envision what it will be but you cannot predict where each branch will grow to. Strong will, strong resolve and noble up-brining will prepare you for some trials, just not all of them.
Your alignments, your companions and tool are not you. Your reality is wrought now by outside influences, forces existing before you even were. Fight those first.
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