The darkness of the wooded dell was split by a sudden torrent of light arching skyward endlessly and aflame. From within the blazing column emerged a figure darkly cloaked, yet seeming to draw the flames around himself as he stepped into the scorched field. The figure stood for a moment as the burning pillar slowly dissipated and darkness gathered once more among the trees of the valley. Bending down the dark figure placed his hand into the dirt and waited. Slowly Koop could feel the truth of this earth, a deep certainty settled on his mind. It was here that he had been called.
There was no clarity about when he had first felt the calling, perhaps it had always been with him, growing yet stronger as time passed until it was inescapable and determinant of his fate. And so he had embarked on his long search following the path of secret fire through the outer realms and across unknown voids of time and space coming ever nearer to his purpose. Rising now Koop could feel the pull of his purpose tighten and twist within himself as a smoldering thread that led him out of the forested valley and towards a series of sharp rocky outcroppings that sheared further upwards into a precipitous dark mass.
A dim grey dawn began to rise as Koop made his way upward through the mountain passes. Revealed against the slowly brightening sky a dark stone structure towered before Koop, shadowed and held apart from the light of day that was filling the sky. Koop pressed on until he found himself within the reaching shadow of the great tower, the darkness that clung to the stone surface seemed to proffer a warning. Yet set against this dark soundless warning there was his radiant purpose within, burning now in its nearness.
By the light of his torch Koop moved slowly yet unfaltering through the dark stillness of the passageways that stretched out before him, each step predestined and given over to the culmination of his long searching that brought him now to the silent heart of the tower. Under archways of solemn stone, Koop passed into a small chamber within which a sharply faceted gem lay unlit and expectant. As Koop stood before the gem his very essence was taken alight and he brought forth from deep within himself a blaze of sacred fire that leapt toward the dark gemstone and engulfed it.
A flame danced above the gemstone and red light glanced off the stone walls of the chamber as the stone hovered slightly above the ground, circling slowly in place. As he stared at the flame Koop felt the heavy resolve of his purpose fade and the radiance that he had held within and for some end beyond knowing had now passed from him. A luminous tether had dimmed and was unfurling slowly ever darkening away from the bounds of the living.
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