In the depths of the Toadstools, a swampy forest filled with towering mushrooms, Alice and her twin brother, Goomer, thrived among their peaceful, fungus-like clan. Their childhood was one of joy and discovery, playing beneath the mushroom caps and exploring the misty, enchanted swamps.
But their happiness was torn apart when Bayard, the Ghost Eater, descended upon the Toadstools. The dark wizard slaughtered their entire clan, leaving destruction in his wake. In the chaos, Goomer disappeared, and Alice was captured, taken far from the only home she had ever known.
Under Bayard’s cruel guidance, Alice was forced to learn the dark arts of necromancy. The horrors she endured twisted her mind, turning her into a shadow of her former self. She became a necromancer, raising the dead in the dark, eerie swamps where her clan once thrived.
Yet, deep within the darkness that consumed her, a small part of Alice’s heart remained untouched—a flicker of hope and a longing for forgiveness. She clings to the desperate belief that her brother Goomer survived and wanders the Toadstools in search of him. Though her mind is clouded by the dark magic she wields, Alice’s heart still yearns for redemption and the chance to reunite with her lost brother to restore the haunted swamps they once called home.
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