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Enchanter Diana of the River (#6068)

Owner: 0xd75b…CF51

The Lore of Enchanter Diana of the River

“It’s a dry, droughty, dusty day! Drink deep, drink down!” – Diana convincing travellers to refill their flasks at a roadside spring.

Diana’s greatest advantage as an enchanter comes from her reach. Just like the river, her charm meanders to spill from springs and be drawn from wells; to be boiled in broth or clashed in cups.

Few ever discover they have been under her spell. A drunk who blames the wine for some foolish deed, could perhaps blame Diana. A fat lord whose soup is poisoned, might have riled her at some point.

Her familiar is a hummingbird called Thirst. It is rumored that if one should catch a glimpse of its green plumage as they drink, then they will be under the enchanter’s spell until the moon next wanes.

As an enchanter Diana is almost unrivaled, yet she must live in her superior’s shadow. For Arabella commands all the wild, and allows Diana control over the rivers; a generosity and a slight Diana can never quite thank her nor forgive her for.

Unlike the water, Diana’s aims are not transparent. None truly know what she wants, save perhaps dominion over Arabella. Perhaps such knowledge can only be gleaned from a drunkard’s inane rambling, or mayhap only the drowned of Dream Master Lake shall ever know.

Entered by: 0xd75b…CF51 and preserved on chain (see transaction)