Name: Haun
The hound Haun has been re awoken into a new digital world. His quest has changed, he wants to speak for the fourth time. Roaming this new world, he must guard Hue Masters Pass from the evil of Caligula of the Mist and those who been tainted by Caligula’s evil. Where is Haun now and where will his journey take him? Haun Thanks Tolkien for his creation and his place in the Silmarillion is not to be re written but instead re awoken into Haun’s new life in the digital world. Haun will speak for the first time in this new world if he comes into contact with Caligula of the Mist. Haun died in the Silmarillion, will this new world claim his life again?
Haun’s master Liliana was created in the pony stables. When the ponies were created there was an error, some secret spell also created a hound. Liliana is able to tend to both ponies and hounds.
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