Amir of the Hollow
Some might say that a Skylord having a mutually beneficial relationship with a Darkling is an abomination, and some may not even believe that it actually exists, but the persistence of Amir after the disappearance of Wizard #2390 was so inspiring to Wizard #1036 that a nearly unbreakable bond was created.
Amir needed to continue, he needed to find hope in a sea of hopelessness after Beyna had disappeared, so he did exactly what anyone else would do. He channeled the same feelings at the meditation stone that he had when Beyna went missing. A chant here, a prayer there, his courage staff held up to the sky and a burning desire to recover his daughter caught the eye of one of the most powerful wizards in the Runiverse.
Absolute darkness clouded Amir's mind - he could barely think, and wondered if he was being possessed by a demon from beyond the 7th realm. This darkness was different though, as he remained cognizant and had control of his thoughts. He tried to scream, but only needed to think - a calm voice was answering every thought.
"I want my daughter back"
--- "I can feel that"
"Where is she?"
--- "Unsure, but alive"
"Can you help me get her back"
--- "Possibly, but I will not risk the balance"
The word possibly drove Amir nearly to violence, as he felt so close to being able to be helped. How could this being "possibly" help? He felt the anger rising inside, and the voice said quite sternly,
--- "Anger is an emotion to change what you feel is wrong. I am unsure anything is wrong - come back here in seven days and I will reevaluate"
Almost as if in a vacuum, the darkness was siphoned out of Amir's mind, and he felt the cool stone on his back. How long had he been here? The sun was setting and he still had two girls at home - he needed to return, so despite a splitting headache, he got up and rushed home.
Entered by: 0xF49E…71FA and preserved on chain (see transaction)