When any normal human views the cloud of a Darkling, it's almost too much for a mortal to deal with.
The pure magical energy combined with the overbearing sense of evil is almost too much to bear - senses are frayed, thinking is clouded, and desires are turned.
That is, unless you are Uvlius.
It's unclear whether Uvlius is a human or some sort of astral being, but his relationship with Wizard #1036 began early in Chiron's "Of the Havens" days.
The world always had some sort of end date - that was a given, and the entire world accepted that. When "The Chasm" happened, time seemed to stop for a moment, and everything and nothing seemed possible. Uvlius knew it had to be something to do with Chiron - the world's end date was set in stone and it was the Darklings who were going to bring it to fruition.
Uvlius loved the world. He loved the people, he loved the drink, he loved the creatures. He saw a way out of this - he NEEDED to talk to Chiron.
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