An enigmatic wizard working with the Quantum Shadow. Samuel grew up a prince in a nomadic tribe in the Expanse. The tribe has historically been guided by a family of polar shapeshifters. He and his twin brother, Daniel, faced twin crises. First, the expected struggle over who would next lead the tribe, traditionally decided by 1-on-1 combat. And second, how to best guide the tribe in the face of the ice caps melting in the land they had lived on for many generations.
Samuel wanted to use the power of the Quantum Shadow to figure out a way to reverse the damage, but Daniel disagreed and wanted to seek a different solution. However, before the day of their ritual combat, Samuel secretly met with a shadowy figure. He received arcane power in exchange for a promise to bind the tribe to the Shadow.
The next day, both brothers shifted into their giant polar forms. The combat was fearsome, but the fell power Samuel had obtained gave him an edge, and he ended up defeating Daniel and driving him away from the tribe.
After winning the duel and taking control of the tribe, Samuel fulfilled his end of the bargain with the Quantum Shadow, and announced to the tribe that they would be traveling to the Shadow as their new home. Within the day, they had packed up and headed south. Eventually, they reached the border of the Quantum Shadow; the cloudy wall prevented all from seeing what lay within. They crossed the border and were engulfed by it, and the tribe has not been seen again since that time.
Samuel himself has been seen from time to time outside of the Quantum Shadow. As a battle mage, he is often sent as an emissary of the Shadow, to serve as a messenger, courier, negotiator, and sometimes an enforcer. He typically handles the northern regions, where his powers are strongest.
His orb staff, which he obtained after joining the Quantum Shadow, allows him to channel the power of the stars, with assistance of the Rune of Uranus, and use it when needed. Energy is stored in the orb so that he can also use it during the day.
The albino rat is not actually his familiar; it is a denizen of the Quantum Shadow that accompanies Samuel to ensure that he stays loyal and obedient to what is asked of him. As for a solution to his homeland’s predicament, he has not yet discovered how to use his newfound powers to fix the situation, but he aspires to break into the upper ranks of his organization in hopes of finding answers there.
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