Oiq was born the sixth son into a large imp family, which meant he was probably not afforded as much parental attention as he deserved. Consequently, his remarkable aptitude for all things magical was not discovered until one day when he accidentally blew up the neighbor's prized pumpkin with an ignite spell. His folks were hardworking immigrant farmhands who had no idea what to do with their precocious child, so they shipped him off to the Pigmoles School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he could get proper tutelage to develop his budding arcane talents.
Growing up, Oiq was a shy child who earned respectable grades across all his subjects, but he was also nerdy and a bit of a social outcast. Like many of his brethren greenskins, he aspired to one day join the legendary Kobold Horde, but his kobold classmates shunned him for only being an imp, which they considered to be a weaker race. Fortunately, Oiq made a dear friend early on: Niles the Snake, who was actually a specimen that Oiq was supposed to dissect in lab class. Plans changed when the young imp discovered that his snake was still alive (it was just pretending to be dead) and snuck it out of the lab. He failed the class, but gained a friend for life, who continues to travel with him to this day as a constant companion and familiar.
Oiq eventually graduated summa cum laude from Pigmoles, but his professional ambitions were thwarted when he discovered that no matter how good his credentials, the workforce was a harsh place of extreme discrimination. Most employers just tossed his resume in the trash the moment they saw he's an imp. Fired up with righteous indignation (and also grossly unemployed), Oiq spent a few formative years participating in a grassroots activist group "Green is not Mean!", a community of greenskins seeking to promote social justice and bring an end to discrimination against their kind. They won a few battles, Oiq made a few valuable friends and connections along the way, but eventually the realities of life beckoned. Activism was great, but didn't pay the bills. So what next?
Since he couldn't get hired, the young magician tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit to create his own start-up company making arcane contraptions for everyday consumers: Innovative Magical Products, or IMP. With seed money from the mysterious venture capitalist known as Merlin, he launched his company to great fanfare from friends and family as well as more than a few highly intrigued industry watchers. Today, Oiq begins his journey to navigate the cutthroat world of wizardry business, make something of his humble origins, and prove to all the Forgotten Runes that imps can be successful too.
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