Shigenjo was never a stationary wizard. The world was his oyster, and he made a name for himself as a traveler with many skills. In fact, most wizards just referred to him as Adept Shigenjo because he was good at everything and didn’t associate himself with any place. Dark magic, light magic, pyromancy, cooking, cleaning, football, making sweet love, Shigenjo could do it all. He made friends with many locals from across the runiverse, from Zaros Oasis all the way to the Alchemist’s Archipelago. Everyone would always say “Oh Shigenjo, you’re so cool, why don’t you stay with us and do all your cool activities with us forever?” And to this Shigenjo would always respond “Nah, I ain’t got no time for that. I’ve got more wizards to impress.” So off he went, with his faithful rat, to go impress wizards across the countryside.
Shigenjo is the man.
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