"ANTICLVTCH" Originally means to be against your past self and to make a complete 180 turn. This change was required to survive and become the powerful ruthless summoner that Anticlvtch is today. Anticlvtch Comes from a candy world where the other creatures are made of candy and are two to ten storys tall. Most humans have been wiped out by the knights and have made their giant candy pressence known on the overworld forcing humans to hide and retreat underground.
Anticlvtch found himself battling a rare one of a kind fifteen story "Candy Knight Otherworldy Visitor Knight" when a portal opened saving him but transporting him to a new world filled with wizards and newfound creatures on this strange place called "The Blockchain" Anticlvtch doesn't know where he is but he knows for certain anywhere is better than where he used to be...
Entered by: 0xf911…7461 and preserved on chain (see transaction)