I egress from the temple in your name, disrobing the Infinity Veil that shelters the hallowed from the Penumbra. To step foot into the Darkness, acting as a messenger of the true Divine Arcane, and strike down those who dwell amongst this world who denounce you, my Divine Leader, their Divine Judge, our Divine Entity.
From The Brine, to the Psychic Leap, the vile will be crushed and the worthy sacrificed. Those who use the Arcane Arts for wicked and immoral degeneracy will be spewed from the mouth of the Divine, and swallowed into the Quantum Shadow.
The path my Divine has chosen for me is arduous, but faith will incessantly nourish my crusade. Revenants will be dispatched by my Caduceus. Their bodies crushed until they can harm no longer. Poltergeists exorcized, haunting spirits silenced. Purifying immolation of all those who forsake their past debaucheries; for Cinnabar Flames will decide their fate.
My purpose, Arcane power, and soul, I surrender to thee. This I pray, a solemn ratification to the Divine.
Druid Hashim of the Temple
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