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Arcanist Woomba of the Temple (#5173)

Owner: 0x35Cb…8865

If there is one thing Imps are good at, it is being sneaky, mischievous, and sometimes evil.

This particular imp is all three - however not in the way you might imagine.

Woomba has great power, however prefers to keep his strength under wraps - he likes to be viewed as the smaller, less important type. He finds that it is easier to get an advantage on his competition this way.

When Wizard #586 was visting the Red Wizard Citadel, Woomba snuck into his room (Imps are very strong lockpicks) and found a scroll. The insignia was something he did not recognize, but he read it anyway:

Disturbance detected near Infinity Veil

Reinforcements Requested

He left it, but he couldn't help feeling uneasy about the future.

Entered by: 0xF49E…71FA and preserved on chain (see transaction)